Stay informed!
Do your employees know what the data in the various systems mean? Can data be shared with partners in a meaningful way?
Data is only usable when it is clearly defined. You do this by defining an information and/or data model for this. Such a model gives structure and meaning to data and ensures that data can lead to information. It is a prerequisite for dealing with data in a professional manner.
We specialize in data, information and knowledge-intensive issues. We have extensive knowledge and experience in the field of information and data modeling. We have drawn up information and data models for various organizations and sectors, such as the information model noise and the metadata model of Rijkswaterstaat. We use the metamodel for information modeling (MIM). This makes the models easier to interpret and process automatically.
Contact us for more information
Stay informed!
Arnhemse Bovenweg 140
3708 AH Zeist
© ArchiXL | Chamber of Commerce 05084421