
Publications, whitepapers and books

Sharing knowledge is key. We stand for a pragmatic vision and approach, and we gladly share the knowledge and experience we have built up through this approach.

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Boek Kritisch Denken

Book Critical thinking about digitalizing - The importance of logical and ethical reasoning

This book focuses on promoting critical thinking and highlights its role in the context of digitalization.


Boek - testautomatisering wendbaar organiseren

Organising test automation in an agile way - Future-proof

Organisations are confronted with all kinds of developments that they must respond to quickly.


Boek - ruimte voor mens en organisatie

Space for people and organisation - Vision and approach for a digital society

Information technology is causing the world to change rapidly. Digitisation touches people and organisations at their very core and creates a world of new opportunities.


Boek - architecture principles

Architecture Principles - The Cornerstones of Enterprise Architecture

Architecture principles are commonly defined principles that operationalise the business strategy.


Boek - beter met architectuur

Improve with architecture

The book 'Beter met architectuur' (Improve with architecture) is a publication of the 'Architectuur in het zorgdomein' (Architecture in the Healthcare Domain) working group of NAF.


Boek - wegwijzer voor methoden bij enterprise-architectuur

A guide to enterprise architecture methods

The book 'Wegwijzer voor methoden bij enterprise-architectuur' (A guide to enterprise architecture methods) is a publication of NGI's Architecture Department.

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Realise the future together?

We help your organisation excel in the field of enterprise and information architecture. Sharing knowledge is central to our solution-oriented approach.

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